Knowledge Bank Search

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Caretaker Who Pled Guilty to Battery Can File Claim Against Estate for Compensation 10/5/2018
Claim for Attorney Malpractice Resulting in Improper SNT Is Time Barred 10/4/2018
Sale of Medicaid Recipient's House Was in Her Best Interest 10/4/2018
ELA Members in the News 10/1/2018
Casey Kasem's Wife Did Not Prove Hospital Negligently Stopped Life-Saving Measures 9/27/2018
VA Establishes Asset Limits and Transfer Penalties for Needs-Based Benefits 9/20/2018
Medicaid Director Needs to Hold Full Hearing on Facts Before Ruling Against Recipient 9/20/2018
Mother's Transfer of House to Daughter Is Proper Medicaid Planning 9/19/2018
Three Florida Elder Law Attorneys Publish Handbook Warning of Unlicensed Practice of Law in Medicaid Planningb 9/17/2018
Insurer Can Foreclose on Basketball Star’s Reverse Mortgage Even Though His Widow Still Lives in House 9/14/2018
ELA Members in the News 9/2/2018
Medicaid Applicants' Claims Against State Officials Barred Because the Prospective Relief Requested Would Lead to Retroactive Benefits 8/29/2018
State Medicaid Agency Lacked Jurisdiction to Hold Hearing on Involuntary Discharge Outside of Mandatory Time Limits 8/23/2018
Ohio Nursing Home May Sue on Resident's Behalf Over Availability of Life Insurance Policy 8/16/2018
Policyholder Has Claim Against Long-Term Care Insurer That Did Not Notify of Pending Lapse 8/9/2018
State Is Not Required to Divert Medicaid Beneficiary's Income to Pay Guardianship Fees 8/2/2018
ELA Members in the News 8/1/2018
Prominent N.J. Elder Law Attorney Admits Stealing From Clients 7/31/2018
Medicaid Benefits Properly Denied Where Bank Failed to Explain Account Activity in Writing 7/23/2018
Medicaid Agency’s Failure to Reach Timely Decision on Appeal Leads to Reversal of Benefit Denial 7/19/2018
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